“When your life is in jeopardy, nothing else matters.” https://www.marcandangel.com/2010/06/28/20-tips-that-could-save-your-life/
“Când i-am
zis a amuțit. Mi-a zis să o tai imediat și mi-a explicat că traficanții de
carne vie care fură femei pentru prostituție obișnuiesc să pună aceste semne pe
mașinile victimelor pe care le consideră vulnerabile” https://a1.ro/news/inedit/informatia-care-iti-poate-salva-viata-ce-ia-aparut-unei-tinere-pe-manerul-masinii-si-ce-legatura-are-cu-traficul-de-carne-vie-id1078755.html
“Before starting any treatment, ask your doctor the most important question 'What is the evidence that by taking this treatment, I will be able to increase My life span or improve the quality of My Life in comparison to not undergoing any treatment?” https://www.diamondbook.in/1-question-that-can-save-your-life.html
“You have to
know how much your body needs to survive.”
“Încearcă să deschizi geamul lateral și să ieși din mașină până a te scufunda sub apă. Dacă geamul nu se deschide, sparge-l cu piciorul, cu stingătorul, cu centura de siguranță. Sub apă, va fi aproape imposibil să-l spargi.” https://eustiu.com/sfaturi/iti-pot-salva-viata-10-lucruri-pe-care-trebuie-sa-le-stii-daca-esti-in-pericol/
items that may fall, topple or slide” https://rctwg.humboldt.edu/prepare/seven-steps
unde ați merge, concert, gara feroviară sau școală, asigurați-vă că aveți 3 căi
de ieșire din clădire.” https://fasingur.info/8-trucuri-care-iti-pot-salva-viata/
“Do not
remove objects from stab wounds. Whatever is in there could be
blocking/stopping the blood flow, so leave it in there.” https://www.eonline.com/news/572095/25-simple-lessons-and-tips-that-could-save-your-life-one-day
“Nu neglijați să folosiți palma într-o luptă: acest tip de lovitură va fi mai mult o surpriză.” https://stiai.net/14-sfaturi-de-autoaparare-care-va-pot-salva-viata/
“Keep your
head above water and as much of your body as possible out of the water. It
takes 10 to 45 minutes to lose consciousness in cold water.” https://brightside.me/inspiration-tips-and-tricks/7-things-that-could-save-your-life-in-an-emergency-situation-799980/
“Manevra Heimlich poate fi făcută de sine stătător. Puțini știu că pot scăpa singuri de un obiect străin blocat în căile respiratorii. Iată cum se procedează:…” https://curiozitati.org/10-informatii-putin-cunoscute-care-iti-pot-salva-viata-intr-o-zi/
“Trusa de
prim ajutor – nu trebue sa lipsească din rucsac indiferent de zona in care
mergem sau cat de dificila este.” https://www.exploregis.ro/2021/04/21/accesorii-ce-iti-pot-salva-viata-pe-munte/
“Crocodiles are very fast in a straight line, but do not turn well. If you are being chased after by a croc, run in zig-zags.” https://vocal.media/longevity/22-life-hacks-that-can-save-your-life
“Dacă gura victimei este încleștată, masează-i urechile până când se înroșesc.” https://suntgospodina.net/trebuie-sa-stii-acest-lucru-care-poate-salva-viata-unei-persoane-cu-accident-vascular-cerebral-ai-nevoie-de-1-ac/
atacatorul încearcă să te stranguleze, apucă-i degetele mici și încearcă să le
răsucești cât poți de tare.” https://elacraciun.ro/15-tehnici-de-autoaparare-care-iti-pot-salva-viata/
“Dacă te afli într-o situație în care nu știi unde este suprafața apei și ești scufundat, lasă niște bule de aer și privește unde merg. Bulele vor crește oricum și tot ce va trebui să faci este să le urmezi.” https://livetrending.ro/15-fapte-mai-putin-cunoscute-care-iti-pot-salva-viata-intr-o-zi-si-poate-chiar-si-viata-altei-persoane/
you’re being attacked or taken, always remember to scratch the bejeezus out of
the person. This way you’ll have their DNA under your nails."
–u/CaptainCortes” https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristatorres/tips-that-may-save-your-life
“Wave up as
if signaling to someone and say “Yes, I’m almost there, can you see me? Great,
I’m coming up”.
That may change the attacker’s mind.” https://www.quora.com/What-knowledge-might-save-your-life-one-day
“One of the
best ways to get someone’s attention when they’re far away is light and sound.
With a mirror and whistle, you can reflect the sun’s light and make a high
pitched sound which will more than likely help rescuers find you.” https://list25.com/25-quick-facts-that-could-save-your-life/
“Pay attention to people’s remarks. If a stranger makes unsolicited affirmations (“I will not harm you”, “I will not touch you” etc) you can safely assume he will do exactly that.” https://www.redpanicbutton.com/15-pieces-advice-that-may-save-your-life-one-day/
“If you are
ever trapped in a car, the headrest pole is made of material that is designed
to smash car windows.” https://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/30-tips-that-may-save-your-life-one-day/87134025/
“If a
tornado looks immobile, don’t be fooled. The tornado may actually be headed in
your direction. The gist of this one is to find underground shelter
immediately.” https://freshedits.com/trending/check-out-these-online-tips-that-may-save-your-life-one-day/
“Rabia sau
turbarea este o boală infecțioasă virală provocată de virusul din familia
Rhabdoviridae, virus neurotrop, ce se fixează în celulele cerebrale dezvoltând o
meningoencefalită sau encefalomielită ireversibilă ce poate duce la deces în
5-20 de zile.
Este un virus care se găsește în saliva animalelor infectate.” https://coropceanu.md/index.php/med-advace/neuro-pediatru/132-rabia
“If you
think your home is haunted and you've been seeing or hearing a presence, get a
carbon monoxide detector, there's a chance you could be hallucinating and this
could be lethal.” https://www.boredpanda.com/facts-that-can-save-your-life-adoriandeck/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic
“La 13 de
zile de la tratamentul cu vitamina C, Alan Smith a fost externat din spital.
Fusese în comă timp de nouă săptămâni. Este posibil ca scorbutul, care fusese…” https://www.filmedocumentare.com/vitamina-c-hormonul-anti-stres-care-iti-poate-salva-viata/
“When a dog wags its tail, it does not always mean that it is being friendly. It can actually be the opposite of that.” https://unbelievable-facts.com/2018/10/save-your-life-facts.html
“It can be
used for simple day-to-day activities, like meeting friends along the beach, or
in life-or-death situations like the cave rescue in the Yass Valley.” https://au.news.yahoo.com/what3words-app-could-save-your-life-anywhere-in-world
she's drunk to the point of vomiting, she's in danger of falling and hurting
herself" https://www.self.com/story/emergency-handbook
“Going from
A to B without a hassle is the key to a happy and easy life.” https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/uk/google-ideas-can-save-your-life-heres-
“Once the
world was locked down and I became stir crazy, camping and hiking became one of
the only ways to escape the cabin-fever.”
“During the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, robots were unable to turn a series of
valves that would have relieved pressure on the reactors.” https://qz.com/420056/these-are-the-robots-competing-to-one-day-save-your-life
“Is there an unlocked gun where my child plays?” https://www.parentmap.com/article/just-ask-campaign
“Of course,
the Boy Scouts of America have urged hikers for years to wear not only jeans
but also leather boots when tramping around snake country, as Dr. Robert James
Hoffman…” https://www.nbcnews.com/health/body-odd/snakes-alive-those-jeans-may-save-your-life-flna1c6437706
“But can one
emoji really make a difference in a crisis?”
“But activity of some kind remains vital as you age.” https://www.hellahealth.com/blog/wellness/leisure-activities-life-expectancy/
became a lifeguard because he simply loves being around the ocean and helping
people.” https://www.odt.co.nz/star-news/star-christchurch/keeping-our-beaches-safe-danny-may-save-your-life-one-day
“You could
suffer "inattention blindness," where you may see an object but not
process that it's a car speeding toward you, Krishnan says.” https://www.businessinsider.com/life-saving-facts-everyone-should-know-2017-4#your-brain-cant-handle-walking-and-using-your-phone-at-the-same-time-so-look-up-1
“In other
words, the knot helps you tighten grip on one object and then pull it tightly
to a second object.” https://www.thesurvivalcorps.com/4-knots-that-may-save-your-life/
6.334 de fotografi - https://www.shutterstock.com/ro/search/save-your-life
starters, it’s a smart idea to speak to other hikers that pass you by, even if
it’s a simple “Hello” or “How’s it going?””
“If you receive a tornado warning while you are in a mobile home, you should go to the closest sturdy building.” https://edition.cnn.com/2019/03/04/us/tornado-safety-tips-wxc/index.html
“If you
request a copy of your medical records, chances are it won't take long to find
a mistake – a mistake that could cost you big time down the road.” https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/why-patient-engagement-just-may-save-your-life
“A prismatic compass with embedded spirit level for determining true horizontal is recommended.” https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/things-to-do/10-things-that-could-save-your-life-in-the-wilderness/articleshow/31038131.cms
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