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sâmbătă, 14 februarie 2015

ASTROLOGIE, previziuni

“Varsatorul este reprezentantul viitorului. Reprezinta stiinta, viitorul, spatiul comunicatiile spatiale, inventiile, originalitatea, utopiile , SF-ul.” http://astrologie.5u.com/  
Neptun da pe sectanti si iluminati, iar pe un alt plan, pe marii psihiatri. In sens rau, va da pe cel inclinat spre iluzii fatale, pe nevropat si pe vesnicul nemultumit.” http://mihneafiran.ro/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=104&Itemid=92&x=1&planeta=9
Cei nascuti in zodia Leului au o nevoie vitala de a-si afirma ego-ul. Anonimatul ii inspaimanta. Nimic nu este mai ingrozitor decat o lume de clone, in care fiecare este identic cu celalalt.” http://esoterism.ro/ro/coszod.php

The Bible states that God made the heavenly bodies to show us "signs" of his intentions. http://astrologie13.blogspot.ro/
The Black Moon (Lilith) in Virgo between November 28, 2014 and August 25, 2015 http://www.iulia-trandafir.ro/2014/11/the-black-moon-lilith-in-virgo-between-november-28-2014-and-august-25-2015/ 
Acest horoscop zilnic este in timp REAL http://www.astrodex.ro/horoscop-zilnic.php?zodia=Berbec
Taur “Nu le place riscul, ci doar lucrurile sigure si clare, de aceea ar putea rata multe sanse de-a lungul vietii din cauza fricii sale de a-si asuma riscuri.” http://acvaria.com/astro-zodia_taur.php?p=astrologie
“Principala esenta a Capricornului este caprifoiul. Narcisa galbena ii confera Capricornului incredere in fortele proprii si control, zambila aduce armonie in relatia de cuplu iar menta salbatica trateaza un numar destul de mare de afectiuni.” http://zodiac24.ro/astrologie/aromaterapia-si-astrologia.html
“As I stated in the articles, modern science since the seventeenth century has consistently rejected action-at-a-distance between objects unless they interact by means of one of the well-established kinds of forces. At present these are four: 1) the strong forces within the atom; 2) The weak forces within the atom; 3) electrostatic or magnetic; and 4) gravitation.” http://www.astro.com/
The zodiac signs in a birthchart are like the stage where the actors (the planets) play out their roles. The particular sign sets the scenery, the backdrop.” http://www.aquamoonlight.co.uk/signs.html
Mars / Neptune:  The Immune Midpoint  Mars concerns the overall strength and vitality of the immune response, whereas Neptune shows immune weaknesses and vulnerabilities.  The point of balance or interface between the two is the Immune Midpoint.  The planet targeted by the Immune Midpoint represents an organ or function that is immunologically challenged, or whose immunity is weak.” http://www.greekmedicine.net/medical_astrology/Midpoints.html
The main collection contains links to books and magazines written in English that are directly related to 'traditional astrology' (from classical to modern times). http://www.skyscript.co.uk/texts.html
“The Virgo child is not too difficult, and within a group, he will often decipher the instructions manual. He is serious and does not like futile items, even during early childhood, and he is always thirsty for learning. Educational games” http://www.astrotheme.com/Zodiacal_gift_hunting.php
Eclipse de SOARE/Eclipse de LUNĂ http://www.astrologyzone.com/forecasts/eclipse.html
 your Soul Urge is derived from the vowels alone” http://numerologist.com/media/downloads/sample/numerology-reading.html
Know Your Limits as Mars in Pisces Squares Saturn in Sagittarius  http://www.astrology.com/know-your-limits-as-mars-in-pisces-squares-saturn-in-sagittarius/2-d-d-569511
LIBRA “They are able to put themselves in other's shoes and see things through another person's point of view.” http://zodiac-signs-astrology.com/zodiac-signs/libra.htm
“Scorpios simply never give up.” http://cafeastrology.com/zodiacscorpio.html
  À compter du 11 août, Jupiter trôlera dans votre 9e solaire: les voyages à l’étranger, éducation supérieure. Si vous avez l’intention de suivre un cycle d’études, histoire de vous connecter sur la fréquence du temps, les astres vous encouragent à le faire à l’automne.” http://www.astro.qc.ca/horoscopes/horoa.htm?signe=capricorne&text=trajet
Horoscop lunar: Previziuni astrologice lunare foarte precise: horoscop dragoste si cuplu, cariera si bani, forma fizica si morală http://www.eastrolog.ro/horoscop-lunar/
Ce site est consacré aux femmes, qui constituent 75% des visiteurs de notre site AsiaFlash.com http://www.asiaflash.com/femmes/index_accueil.shtml

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