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vineri, 20 octombrie 2017

Holywood, Pedofili, Biserică, Homosexuali

“And just so you know, the same doctors who removed Homosexuality from the DSM are the same ones now fighting for pedophiles.” http://www.renegadetribune.com/homosexuals-normalizing-pedophilia
“Popa ortodox Martis din Floresti despre preotul homosexual pedofil Pomohaci: "Il iubesc! Oricand ii sunt alaturi, e omul lui Dumnezeu, nu stiu cati episcopi in tara asta erau in stare sa faca asa misiune cum a facut el!"” https://www.ziardecluj.ro/interceptare-bomba-popa-ortodox-martis-din-floresti-despre-preotul-homosexual-pedofil-pomohaci-il-iubesc-oricand-ii-sunt-alaturi-e-omul-lui-dumnezeu-nu-stiu-cati-episcopi-tara-asta-erau-stare-sa-faca-asa-misiune-cum-facut-el
“Pe 13 octombrie, episcopul de Limerick Brendan Leahy a afirmat că cuplurile homosexuale trebuie să fie bine primite la Reunirea Mondială a Familiilor.” http://evz.ro/episcopii-catolici-invataturile-papei-pentru-a-promova-homosexualitatea.html?&page=2
“Germany's Green Party has been engulfed in a scandal over it's very close association with the pedophile movement.some Greens wanted legalization of sex with minors.http://www1.cbn.com/hurdontheweb-9
“An American pedophile has been convicted to 40 years in prison for years of sexual abuse of adopted Russian boy. His boyfriend from New Zealand who allegedly assisted in meticulously recording acts of sexual offence is going on trial at home.” https://www.rt.com/news/pedophile-syndicate-russian-boy-481/

“But the idea that underage boys were drugged and raped at the Encino estate, and sometimes threatened with guns by Collins-Rector, is hardly new.” http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/bryan-singer-sex-abuse-case-699828
X-Men director Bryan Singer has been accused of committing a new sexual assault against a man in his 20s in New York City last year, according to the New York Police Department.” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2737714/X-Men-director-Bryan-Singer-accused-new-sex-assault-New-York.html
“Surpriză în valize! În ianuarie 2013, vameşii britanici care au verificat bagajele doctorului Ioan Boilă au fost şocaţi. Autorităţile au descoperit 7.000 de materiale video cu animale abuzate şi opt filme pornografice cu minori.” http://www.click.ro/news/national/medic-roman-condamnat-la-puscarie-anglia-ce-orori-i-au-fost-descoperite-bagaje
"Inculpatul a obligat minora sa suporte si sa intretina acte sexuale orale si alte acte de natura sexuala, profitand de imposibilitatea victimei de a-si exprima vointa si prin oferirea de bani si alte foloase mamei acesteia. Exploatarea sexuala a minorei a vizat si producerea de catre inculpat de materiale pornografice cu victima" http://www.ziare.com/sex/pedofil/pedeapsa-record-pentru-un-regizor-roman-acuzat-de-pedofilie-26-de-ani-de-inchisoare-1349705
An Open Secret, the documentary about child sexual abuse, has debuted at Cannes. The film is directed by Amy Berg, who helmed Deliver us from Evil, a film about child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church and West of Memphis, a film about a miscarriage of justice.” https://jezebel.com/an-open-secret-hollywoods-child-abuse-doc-debuted-in-1705758939
“Preot pedofil, "condamnat" de Vatican la rugăciuni și penitență” https://www.agerpres.ro/externe/2011/02/19/preot-pedofil-condamnat-de-vatican-la-rugaciuni-si-penitenta-02-34-30
“In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from  childhood sexual abuse experiences.”” (APA - American Psychiatric Association) http://www.greeleygazette.com/press/?p=11517
“De data aceasta vorbim despre un recunoscut regizor şi compozitor de origine italiană, fost angajat al Televiziunii române. În vârstă de 75 de ani, Livio Bellegante avea în casă aproape 10.000 de poze pornografice.” https://www.romaniatv.net/un-regizor-fost-angajat-al-tvr-e-acuzat-de-pedofilie-isi-fotografia-victimelele-batjocorea_182462.html
“Even when one of the boy actors later killed himself. Even when the homosexual director of the movie was murdered soon after the film was completed by a teenage boy he was exploiting in real life.” http://men-factor.blogspot.ro/2014/06/david-futrelle-is-homosexual-pedophile.html
Imaginea Bisericii Penticostale din Caraş-Severin este din nou pătată, după ce un al treilea „pastor” a fost condamnat la închisoare cu executare pentru că a întreţinut relaţii sexuale cu băieţi de 14 ani!” http://expressdebanat.ro/inca-un-pastor-penticostal-pedofil-condamnat-pentru-trafic-de-minori/
“To be totally clear, I am not comparing the rape of a child by an adult with a sexual act committed by two men or two women; I am comparing the arguments used by pederast activists and gay activists to gain social acceptance.” https://townhall.com/columnists/michaelbrown/2015/09/23/is-pedophilia-next-n2055868
“Larry Brinkin, who worked at the Human Rights Commission for the City of San Francisco for 22 years and was a prominent homosexual rights activist for more than 40 years, pleaded guilty to felony child pornography possession last week.” http://joeforamerica.com/2014/01/san-franciscos-homosexual-rights-icon-also-pedophile/
In an essay written for his senior thesis as a graduate student, Christiano argued for the “sexual autonomy” of children, citing that children “should not be left in the dark about their own sexuality.” With more education about their sexuality, reasoned Christiano, comes more knowledge of boundaries and what they do or don’t want.” http://www.neontommy.com/news/2013/10/pedophilia-sexual-orientation
“The street upbringing — as we discussed, the kids on the streets considered homosexuality (active as opposed to passive) a symbol of domination and took pride in it. They would refer to it as “breaking of an eye”.” http://gatesofvienna.net/2013/02/homosexuality-in-iraq-and-saudi-arabia/
“Ted Gunderson was there to get rid of any witnesses or children from “Boys Town”, an orphanage for all boys, many of whom had been transported to Washington DC and raped  by these pedophiles in Bush-Gunderson-Pender Child Sex Ring known as “Operation Brownstar”.” http://secretsofthefed.com/homosexual-george-bush-pedophile-sex-ring-and-blackmail-of-congress/
“According to a study by Abel in 1987, reported in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2(1), 3-25, offenders against female children had an average of 19 victims, while those against male children had an average of 50. These figures surprised me. Common sense tells us to keep these adults away from kids and out of our neighborhoods.” http://registeredoffenderslist.org/what-is-pedophilia.htm
“With the news of a top Cardinal being arrested for sexual assault and taking part in a drug-filled gay orgy, and with news that Pope Francis is willing to forgive pedophile priests if they rape children…” http://yournewswire.com/vatican-overrun-pedophiles/
In the 1980s, gay rights groups in Germany formed an alliance with pedophiles who advocated the legalization of sex with minors. It's a dark period few care to talk about now.” http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/gay-activists-in-germany-silent-on-alliance-with-pedophiles-in-1980s-a-919119.html
Medicul homeopat din Constanţa arestat pentru agresarea sexuală a unei copile de 11 ani ar fi violat şi alţi pacienţi minori. Un val de plângeri a ajuns pe numele lui la poliţie.”  http://www.romaniatv.net/medicul-pedofil-din-constanta-violator-in-serie-video_297584.html
He drew a cute baby, but his boss didn't like it. So he kept the face, added a ponytail and a curvy woman's body and called his creation "Lilli". Adică, a desenat un copil drăgălaş dar şefului nu i-a plăcut. Aşa că, a păstrat faţa, i-a adăugat păr prins în coadă şi corp de femeie apoi si-a numit creaţia: Lilly” http://antipresa.blogspot.ro/2012/04/copilul-sexi.html

Marian Vasiliev (PPDD), Gabriela Firea(PSD) și Ciprian Rogojan (PDL) au depus legea care vrea să castreze chimic pedofilii și definitiv dacă recidivează (aproape toți recidivează) dar unele ONG-uri și un “reprezentant al bisericii Catolice din Constanţa” se opun.[1][3] http://antipresa.blogspot.ro/p/blog-page.html

“An Anglican minister is feeling the heat after a blog post in which he urged congregants to “pray in the privacy of their hearts” for Prince George to be gay went viral. 
Very Rev. Kelvin Holdsworth, who belongs to the Scottish Episcopal Church, wrote the original post nearly two years ago.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/minister-sparks-outrage-asking-people-195144290.html


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