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luni, 25 iulie 2016

BATACLAN, terorism

Un gardé de la Brigabe anti-criminalité, qui était sur la porte de secours, a dit à des militaires : “Allez, on y va !“ […] Le détachement a dit : “Non, je n’ai pas d’ordre pour bouger.“ Alors il lui a dit : “Bon, passe-moi ton Famas.“ […] L’autre évidemment, son arme, il n’allait pas la lâcher… »” http://fr.novopress.info/200072/attaque-contre-bataclan-les-militaires-sentinelle-refuse-dintervenir/
“Pourquoi le Bataclan n’était pas sous surveillance alors que des menaces avaient été proférées plusieurs années auparavant contre cette célèbre salle de spectacles parisienne et transmises aux services de sécurité ?” http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/france-monde/commission-d-enquete-sur-les-attentats-la-france-ia0b0n3613999
“"Pour la petite anecdote", a raconté Sébastien Pietrasanta, un mois après les attentats de novembre, "une seule personne" d'Europol, l'office de coopération policière européen, a été envoyée en Grèce pour détecter d'éventuels jihadistes parmi les migrants, alors qu'on redoutait une infiltration massive des hommes du groupe Etat islamique. "Ce n'est pas anecdotique,…” http://www.sudradio.fr/Actualite/France/Commission-d-enquete-sur-les-attentats-la-France-n-etait-pas-a-la-hauteur

“Selon le député Georges Fenech (LR), l'attaque du Bataclan représente un "échec lourd" de la part des services de renseignement français.”  http://www.sudouest.fr/2016/07/06/attentats-de-paris-l-attaque-du-bataclan-aurait-pu-etre-evitee-2425829-6155.php 

“"Ces terroristes, pour la plupart de nationalité belge, provenaient de la ville de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean", une commune de Bruxelles, "où ils avaient été radicalisés, formés au jihad et préparés à des actions armées sur le territoire français".” http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/paris-ile-de-france/attentats-de-paris-la-famille-d-une-victime-attaque-la-belgique-devant-la-cedh-946001.html

It would turn into a two-and-a-half-hour massacre that would leave 89 dead and dozens more injured before the gunmen blew up themselves up by activating their suicide belts after a police assault.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/20/bataclan-witnesses-recount-horror-paris-attacks
“One woman who heard the gunman speak
"In perfect French, perfect French -- no accent, the man said, 'you killed our brothers in Syria and now we're here,'" Celia, who asked that her last name not be used, said.” http://abcnews.go.com/International/inside-bataclan-concert-hall-lead-singers-face-dropped/story?id=35216389
http://mashable.com/category/bataclan/ ..........
““It emerged that terrorists shot at people in wheelchairs at the Bataclan concert hall.”” https://www.etbu.edu/php/theintersection/tag/bataclan/
Vidéo exclusive de la fusillade au Bataclan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqvQaAcSB4A......
But to those who lived through the Paris attacks last November, eyewitness accounts of the scene that unfolded inside the popular gay club sounded shockingly familiar.” http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/13/europe/pulse-attack-americas-bataclan/index.html
“Louise Mensch at Heat Street wrote about the grisly details, which include women being stabbed in the vagina, eyes being gouged out, people disemboweled, castrated, and beheaded. And all of this was reportedly videotaped for propaganda purposes by the terrorists. Until now, this information had been suppressed by the French government (via Heat Street):” http://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2016/07/15/horrific-account-of-torture-mutilation-by-isis-attackers-who-stormed-bataclan-concert-hall-n2193189
“…I found that he had no right eye. I made the remark; I was informed that they had punctured his eye and sliced down the right side of his face, where there was a very large hematoma that we could all see.”” http://freebeacon.com/national-security/report-france-suppressed-police-testimony-torture-bataclan-concert-hall/
Military personnel invariably obey orders from higher up. The question is: Who instructed them not to come to the rescue of people inside the nightclub? Was it the Police or the Ministry of Defense?” https://asweetdoseofreality.com/2016/07/14/the-paris-bataclan-terror-attack-six-french-military-were-present-instructed-not-to-intervene-people-died/
“This slaughter has forced the French Government to turn parts of France into what looks like a military occupation: 10,000 soldiers have been deployed in the streets, and the country has been under an official state of emergency for eight months now.” http://www.savemysweden.com/muslim-migration-in-france-opens-door-to-terror/
This world is cruel. And acts like this are suppose to highlight the depravity of humans and the images of those men circuling us like vultures will haunt me for the rest of my life.” http://abc7.com/news/paris-attack-survivor-describes-playing-dead-at-bataclan-theatre/1087034/
The newspaper Blic claims Almuhamed arrived with another of the bombers in Europe on the Greek island of Leros on October 3 on his way to Paris. Greek website Protothema have published ferry tickets showing the name of a second man, Mohammed Almuhamed, who could be a relation.” http://girlsjustwannahaveguns.com/theater-of-terror-first-photo-inside-bataclan-theater-shows-the-devastation-of-jihadi-attack/
In 2011, Le Figaro reported that Farouk Ben Abbes, a Belgian national arrested in Egypt after the terror attack on a group of French students in Cairo in February that killed 17-year-old Cécile Vannier, had confessed that he “was planning an attack against the Bataclan in France.”” http://legalinsurrection.com/2015/11/paris-bataclan-theater-was-bds-and-terrorist-target-for-years/

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