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joi, 4 august 2016

A world of bullies (teroriști), bullied, psychiatric drugs

Dintr-o declaraţie a unui coleg de clasă aflăm că Ali Sonboly era agresat, hărţuit şi mereu, ca răspuns la suferinţele sale, îşi ameninţa colegii că într-o zi îi va ucide. Declaraţiile colegilor sunt susţinute de însăşi afirmaţia autorului din înregistrarea video „am fost chinuit vreme de 7 ani“. Poliţia nu îl avea în baza de date ca infractor, dar au fost găsite două înregistrări ca victimă.”
Citeste mai mult: adev.ro/oayxb7
6. Stare mintală Cu privire la diagnostic, procurorul cazului ne anunţă că Sonboly a fost tratat de anxietate socială şi depresie în 2015, a fost internat două luni şi pe urmă a continuat tratamentul de acasă. Nici aceste indicii nu ne sunt suficiente şi nici foarte relevante. Depresia atinge una din patru persoane cel puţin o dată în viaţă. Frica de situaţii sociale este iarăşi frecventă la adolescenţi. În America, în 2014, trei milioane de adolescenţi (11%) cu vârsta cuprinsă între 11-17 ani au cel puţin un episod de depresiv. Ce mă intristează în presa din Romania este să citesc titluri care nu fac altceva decât să incrimineze şi să stigmatizeze şi mai multe persoanele în suferinţă psihică şi cu un diagnostic psihiatric atât de des întâlnit precum depresia. Într-un ziar naţional titlul era „Cum a reuşit un tanar depresiv....“”
Citeste mai mult: adev.ro/oayxb7
“A inceput sa isi taie frecvent venele si a baut hipoclorit. A supravietuit, s-a mutat, insa au inceput sa apara pe facebook mesaje precum: „sper sa bea un hipoclorit mai puternic de data asta si sa moara”.
Si, intr-un final a murit. A fost gasita moarta in camera ei de catre propria mama.
Un alt baiat de 20 de ani s-a sinucis cu cateva saptamani in urma, iar parintii au dat publicitatii biletul in care acesta spunea: „am fost tachinat, batjocorit si hartuit toata viata!”” http://www.top-psy.ro/stii-care-este-relatia-intre-poreclire-sinucidere-si-copilul-tau/
“The two Florida students arrested for harassing their classmate Rebecca Sedwick until she committed suicide last month have been suspended from school.” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2478644/Two-students-arrested-bullying-12-year-old-Rebecca-Sedwick-committed-suicide-kicked-school.html#ixzz4FhTTYFLx
“„Vă rog tare mult să-l întrebaţi şi pe dirigintele băiatului dl. Braicu de ce s-a sinucis acesta. Să ştiţi că o mare vină o are şi el. Tot timpul l-a scos in faţa clasei şi l-a dat exemplu prost in faţa colegilor. Îi punea pe colegi să râdă de el că are faţă de ,,bidon turtit” că fumează, că pute etc.” https://www.monitorulsv.ro/Local/2008-06-04/Elevii-din-clasa-tanarului-care-s-a-spanzurat-terorizati-de-diriginte .......
Antipsihoticele, Big Farma, Media și Politicienii http://cegant.com/commentary/school-shootings-and-psychiatric-drugs......
În 2014, la linia telefonică gratuită dedicată copiilor, 116 111, a fost înregistrat un număr de 1.046 de situații care au făcut referire la fenomenul bullying. Analiza statistică a cazurilor înregistrate a arătat următoarele: 50.39% bullying fizic, 38.76% bullying verbal,…” http://www.simonatache.ro/2015/03/09/rautatea-nu-e-buna/
“While in the wake to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre most of the debate has centered around gun control, perhaps more of the debate should be focused on the mood altering drugs that people are being given as more than 60 school shootings among and more than 4,800 violent attacks have been linked to psychiatric drugs.”  http://beforeitsnews.com/health/2013/01/60-school-shootings-in-20-years-of-4800-violent-incidents-all-linked-to-psychiatric-drugs-2464466.html
“Children who are bullied tend to be:3, 5
NICIODATĂ să nu fi laş când e vorba să aperi grupul de care aparţii, femeia cu care eşti sau pe cei apropiaţi. O să te hărţuiască laşitatea aia toată viaţa ta mai rău ca orice bătaie primită.” http://www.personalitatealfa.com/blog/descopera-comoara-ascunsa-din-tine-curajul-subcapitol-gratuit/ 

“Profile of the killer: "Bullied, lonely and chubby"

Neighbours on Saturday described Sonboly as “intelligent, quiet and shy,” an apparently normal 18-year-old.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/23/munich-shooting-german-iranian-gunman-targeted-children-outside/

“Copilul asta este exclus din gasca celor cool. Este marginalizat, indimidat, tachinat, hartuit. Vorbim despre un fenomen mondial care se manifesta deja de ceva vreme si la noi si se numeste ,,bullying”.” http://www.blogintandem.ro/o-poveste-despre-bullying-copii-care-hartuiesc-alti-copii/
If you are being bullied...                                                                                               
Reach Out
Tell an adult. Sometimes you may have to tell more than one trusted adult.
Ask your friends to help you. There is safety in numbers.
Practice what to say the next time you're bullied with your parents, teachers or friends.” http://www.tolerance.org/activity/bullying-tips-students

“…la Colegiul Tehnic ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” este un exemplu clar de ”bullying”, cum i se mai spune. Adică un caz de elev agresat fizic și psihic chiar de o parte dintre colegii săi. Și mai trist este că această dramă s-a consumat sub ochii impasibili ai dirigintei, ai celorlalți profesori și chiar ai celorlalți elevi.” http://estnews.ro/2016/01/07/vom-ancheta-cazul-dar-dracul-nu-e-chiar-atat-de-negru/.......... 
Bullying. Cum invatam un copil sa faca fata umilirii si hartuirii http://sfatnaturist.ro/bullying-cum-invatam-un-copil-sa-faca-fata-umilirii-si-hartuirii/

It is considered an imbalance of power, whether it is with popularity, strength or knowing information about someone that may be private or embarrassing.” https://nobullying.com/bullies-school/........

Bullying victims are sneaking hundreds of thousands of firearms, knives and clubs into U.S. high schools, according to a chilling new analysis that carries the eerie echoes of one recent mass school assault and two potential near misses.” http://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/bullied-students-sneak-thousands-guns-schools-n95781...........

The man who shot two students outside of a Wisconsin high school prom on Saturday was socially awkward and bullied because of his poor hygiene, a former classmate told The Wausau Daily Herald.” http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/04/25/wisconsin-prom-shooter-was-socially-awkward-bullied-classmate-says.html
Nicole LeMire (a school teacher) approached the boy last month after she said she learned he was blowing mucus on other children, using inappropriate language and had pushed another boy to the ground.” She was fired for … “public humiliation” of the bully! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3084635/Popular-teacher-sacked-public-humiliation-child-asked-stop-bullying.html#ixzz4Fh5MxfP0
“Gutierrez says the reason his son made this tragic decision is because he's been a long time victim of bullying at a Clovis junior high school .
"He's been being bullied, beat up at school, being video taped and mocked on Facebook," said Gutierrez.” http://www.kctv5.com/story/30665053/clovis-student-attempts-suicide-after-bullying-at-school
“While being questioned, the student claimed he was a victim of bullying and had called out the name of the boy before he shot him.” http://www.queerty.com/bullied-teen-opens-fire-in-ca-high-school-seriously-wounding-classmate-20130111
“Psychologist analyzing why something so traumatic took place, concluded that being bullied was one of the main causes of this violent attack. While in school, the two boys were seen as outcast and ostracized. The two seniors were characterized as being anti-social and inclusive.” https://backlashfrombullying.wordpress.com/2011/02/27/scholarly-article-1-bullies-and-bullying/..
“"We have to at least ask for $1.2 million because apparently nothing is going to get through to these bureaucrats except a financial hit,” attorney Yvonne Kinoshita Ward said.
The family says they hope the lawsuit will change the way the school deals with bullying cases,  not just for Andrew but for other students.” http://q13fox.com/2014/10/15/enumclaw-student-sues-district-for-1-2-million-over-bullying/
CNN) – More students have been kicked out of South Hadley High School in Massachusetts after prosecutors say their bullying led to the suicide of 15-year-old Phoebe Prince.” http://am.blogs.cnn.com/2010/03/31/father-says-daughter-bullied-at-south-hadley-h-s/

Boy with Asperger's syndrome hospitalized after brutal school attack” “Blake, who has Asperger's syndrome, ADHD and an anxiety disorder, tried to sit at a table and was confronted by another boy. That's when he says the boy who had been bullying his older brother confronted him.” http://www.kctv5.com/story/28192510/boy-with-asbergers-syndrome-in-hospital-for-5-days-after-attack-at-school

A bully’s tactic is to isolate you, make you feel alone. By finding other people, you’ve already knocked out one of their weapons…
…If the [authority] you go to won’t do anything, find another one. The war is your mind, don’t let the bully win. Search out the authority figure that will hold the bully accountable.” https://consumerist.com/2011/10/19/what-you-can-do-if-youre-being-bullied/
“This article explains how to defend against a verbal bully.” http://www.wikihow.com/Defend-Against-Verbal-Bullying

No Escape From The Bullies https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/05/070531120821.htm

Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying.
More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online.” http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/cyber-bullying-statistics.html ............
“Într-un comentariu care însoţeşte acest studiu, dr. Jon Jureidini, un om de ştiinţă australian, susţine că, în ceea ce priveşte paroxetina, comportamentele suicidare se pot manifesta la 10% din pacienţii trataţi, conform noilor studii, faţă de 3% cum se menţiona în cele anterioare.” http://www.romanialibera.ro/societate/sanatate/antidepresesivele--ineficiente-419279

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