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miercuri, 3 mai 2017

Cancer. Diagnostic greșit. MISDIAGNOSED.

Diagnostic greşit!  “A trecut un an de-atunci şi sunt furioasă.”  https://antipresa.blogspot.com/2024/04/diagnostic-gresit.html#more

“„Trei zile am avut cancer” sau cum am ajuns să mă feresc de medicii care pun un diagnostic fără să clipească” https://republica.ro/ztrei-zile-am-avut-cancer-sau-cum-am-ajuns-sa-ma-feresc-de-medicii-care-pun-un-diagnostic-fara-sa-clipeasca

Ne trebuie un DNA care să cerceteze ravagiile pe care le-a făcut Big Farma în Romînia prin campanii obsedante pro-cancer. Faptul că aceste femei “supraviețuitoare ale cancerului” și-au acceptat diagnosticul greșit fără să cricnească se datorează acestor campanii ale “purtătorilor de mesaj”.
“'I lost all my teeth': Victims confront doctor who faked cancer diagnosis and prescribed 'stunning' doses of unnecessary treatment to scam millions from insurance companies” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3152176/Victims-confront-doctor-misdiagnosed-hundreds-cancer-patients-prescribed-stunning-doses-unnecessary-treatment-scam-millions-insurance-companies.html#ixzz4fu2fUj6S
“In foarte multe cazuri, pacientele diagnosticate gresit sunt supuse la chimioterpaie, radioterapie sau la interventii chirurgicale, desi nu au nevoie de un astfel de tratament. Expertii considera ca sistemul de sanatate trebuie sa lanseze o campanie, care sa informeze pacientele despre acest fapt.” http://www.ziare.com/viata-sanatoasa/sanatate/mii-de-femei-operate-inutil-din-cauza-diagnosticului-gresit-681587
“Imagine being told you had an advanced form of cancer, only to find out months later — after undergoing chemotherapy and giving away many of your possessions — that actually your diagnosis was an error.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/18/herlinda-garcia-cancer-misdiagnosis_n_3617076.html
Mihaela Geoana, sotia presedintelui PSD, a fost diagnosticata eronat cu cancer, de un medic din Capitala.” (După care a devenit “agentă” de Prevenție. How much?) http://www.ziare.com/stiri/ancheta/sotia-lui-geoana-a-avut-cancer-timp-de-trei-zile-413345
“Since screening using mammograms became standard practice in the USA, more than a million women have been unnecessarily treated as a result of mis-diagnosis. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has produced this worrying report.”  http://www.canceractive.com/cancer-active-page-link.aspx?n=3353
“Actrita Angelina Jolie, mostenitoarea unei gene rare, cu ridicat potential cancerigen, dupa o dubla mastectomie, si-a extirpat ovarele si trompele uterine, deoarece analizele sale au indicat niste markeri tumorali pozitivi. La repetarea analizelor, aceiasi markeri au rezultat ca fiind negativi.” https://liviabonarov.wordpress.com/tag/diagnostic-gresit/ 
“Kylie Minogue has disclosed that doctors mistakenly gave her the all-clear weeks before she was diagnosed with breast cancer.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1584324/Kylie-Minogues-cancer-was-misdiagnosed.html

“This means that one in five women who was told she had breast cancer after mammography screening received unnecessary treatment. The implication of these results is that tens of thousands of women in the US each year undergo surgery, radiation and chemotherapy for non-life threatening cancers.” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/apr/28/breast-cancer-mammograms-early-detection-research
“According to Thomson Reuters, nearly seven hundred billion dollars are wasted in the U.S. medical system each year, much of which is tied to misdiagnosis or people getting the wrong treatment,” http://www.bostonmagazine.com/health/blog/2013/01/31/study-cancer-misdiagnose/
Şi totuși, diagnostic greșit! “He insisted my symptoms were unrelated to menopause. Instead, he said, they were symptoms of my lymphoma. Without chemo, he told me, I would be dead by the end of the year.
I asked about the possibility that the lab results were wrong. No -- not a chance, he said. Two labs had independently confirmed the results. The pressure to start chemotherapy began to mount.” https://www.verywell.com/a-story-of-misdiagnosis-2615344
O tanara din Bucuresti ii acuza pe medicii unei clinici private din Capitala ca i-au pus un diagnostic gresit pentru a scoate bani de la ea. Ea a fost diagnosticata cu cancer, desi nu i-a fost facuta nici o analiza in acest sens si i-a fost recomandat vaccinul anti-HPV. “ http://stiri.acasa.ro/social-125/diagnosticata-cu-cancer-doar-pentru-a-o-obliga-sa-se-vaccineze-110060.html#ixzz4fvArVpx2
“Prostate cancer is another great example which doctors falsely give prognoses about without giving patients the facts. A prostate (PSA) blood test looks for prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels are supposedly associated with prostate cancer. The problem is that the association isn’t always correct, and when it is, the prostate cancer isn’t necessarily deadly. Only about 3 percent of all men die from prostate cancer.” https://www.infowars.com/more-doctors-confessing-to-intentionally-diagnosing-healthy-people-with-cancer-to-make-money/
“Anca Badiu a fost operată recent din cauza unei probleme la umăr, iar când s-a prezentat la spital pentru a-şi schimba pansamentul a avut parte de un tratament inuman. De asemenea, pentru ca situaţia să fie şi mai gravă o asistentă a diagnosticat-o cu cancer fără să o consulte,…” http://www.romaniatv.net/anca-badiu-diagnosticata-cu-cancer-din-greseala_230215.html#ixzz4fvAKHFiN
“The trouble is, doctors don't have tools to differentiate the indolent cancers from the problematic ones that should be treated.” http://www.smh.com.au/national/breast-cancer-screening-harming-hundreds-of-women-a-year-surgeon-20150506-ggv6wc.html
“In reality, these breast cells were 30 times more malignant – post treatment. It is a known fact that a subpopulation of cancer stem cells, within tumors, will be made stronger and more malignant through chemotherapy and radiation.
What does this have to do with ‘non-cancerous’ conditions? Shamefully, everything, it is estimated that a third of all women diagnosed with breast cancer, actually have what’s called ‘localized breast cancer’ – a condition that resembles cancer, but will never cause harm. They have, up until now, undergone (unnecessary) mastectomies and/or chemotherapy – along with radiation treatment. Simply put, this is criminal and avoidable.” http://www.naturalhealth365.com/cancer_error.html/

“For every woman whose life is saved by breast cancer screening, up to 10 undergo unnecessary treatment, including surgery and radiotherapy, according to another study that casts doubt on mammography.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/9181445/Breast-cancer-screening-resulting-in-unnecessary-treatment.html

“Asta după ce, în SUA, peste 1 milion de femei au fost “tratate” cu chemoterapie, radiații, hormoni, operații inutile etc. de “anormalităti” (probabil chisturi, noduli benigni) care nu erau canceroase și mortale. “Some abnormalities that doctors call "cancer" are not a health threat or truly malignant.”  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/mammograms-lead-to-breast-cancer-overdiagnosis-in-1-million-women-study-finds/ http://anticancerantiteroare.blogspot.ro/2015/03/de-ce-se-ocupa-mihaela-geoana-cu.html

But mammograms aren’t merely useless—they could very well be harmful. First, they may increase your risk of cancer by subjecting you to unnecessary radiation and by abusing breast tissue. Second, they’re inaccurate to the point of being downright dangerous.” http://www.anh-usa.org/breast-cancer-industry-deceit/
O colosală rețea, formată din industria farma, medici plătiți de aceasta și un lobby agresiv exploatează temerile atavice ale oamenilor, pentru a-i convinge că sunt bolnavi și trebuie să se trateze.” http://www.evz.ro/inventatorii-de-boli-cum-sunt-transformati-oamenii-sanatosi-in-cumparatori-de-medicamente.html
Ziua mondială a astmului- Săptămâna europeană de prevenire a cancerului - Ziua internaţională de luptă împotriva bolii Alzheimer- Ziua Internationala a Distrofiei Musculare Duchenne- Ziua mondiala a Sindromului Down-  Ziua Mondială a Cancerului Pancreatic- ziua mondiala de constientizare a persoanele bolnave de cancer- Ziua Internationala a Copilului cu Cancer… http://anticancerantiteroare.blogspot.ro/2015/02/anti-canceranti-teroare.html

O femeie din Marea Britanie diagnosticată cu cancer și 18 luni de trăit și-a cheltuit toate economiile pe vacanțe și, după 3 ani, medicii nu i-au mai găsit tumora. http://www.evz.ro/detalii/stiri/povestea-bolnavei-de-cancer-care-a-supravietuit-bolii-1018538.html

http://anticancerantiteroare.blogspot.ro/2015/02/cum-se-fabrica.html “Oamenii de ştiinţă americani avertizează că incidenţa cancerului de colon s-ar putea dubla în rândul persoanelor cu vârste cuprinse între 20 şi 30 de ani” http://www.gandul.info/sanatate/forma-de-cancer-care-afecteaza-tot-mai-multi-tineri-13526627
“Vitamina E şi suplimentele cu antioxidanţi ar putea accelera dezvoltarea tumorilor canceroase” http://www.gandul.info/magazin/vitamina-e-si-suplimentele-cu-antioxidanti-ar-putea-favoriza-raspandirea-tumorilor-11993735

Ce înseamnă PREVENŢIE?Adică: În 1992, împreună cu NCI (National Cancer Institute), ACS (American Cancer Society, cea mai bogată instituție “non-profit” din lume după cum spune American Cancer Prevention) a lansat agresiv programul “chemoprevenția” cu scopul de a recruta 16 000 de femei sănătoase care, chipurile, prezentau un “mare risc” de a face cancer la sân, pe care le-a supus unui “tratament”, de probă, timp de 5 ani, cu tamoxifen, un medicament foarte profitabil pentru cei care-l produc și-l comercializează.”  http://anticancerantiteroare.blogspot.ro/2015/04/preventie-varianta-americana-acum-si-in.html

http://freefrompress.blogspot.ro/2012/04/cancerul-in-presa.html  “Mai am inca un exemplu absolut incredibil de abuz al autoritatilor medicale din SUA: cazul Parker Jensen. Parker avea 12 ani cand a primit diagnosticul de cancer, iar in clipa cand parintii lui au facut alte si alte analize (bravo lor!!) care au iesit negative toate, si au spus PAS la "tratamentul" cu chimio, au fost terorizati dpdv legal, amenintati ca li se ia copilul, s-au ruinat financiar ca sa poata lupta impotriva sistemului corupt!!” http://piersicuta.blogspot.ro/2013/11/genocid-legalizat-prin-citostatice.html

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