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duminică, 24 septembrie 2017

9/11 terrorist attacks

“What made it worse was the decision to deploy 500,000 US troops to Saudi Arabia after Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.This resulted in even more resentment towards the United States and their polices.” http://www.teenink.com/opinion/current_events_politics/article/368966/911-Causes-and-Effects/
“Put simply, the 9/11 team was good and was prepared to go to its certain death to complete the mission. Anyone not frightened by this was out of touch with reality.” https://worldview.stratfor.com/weekly/20110905-911-and-successful-war
“The names of the alleged hijackers, all ostensibly Muslims, were released to the public only hours after the attacks, despite Mueller saying we had no knowledge this would happen. This is an impossible twist of logic. If he didn't know of a plan to strike buildings with planes, how would he know the names of the hijackers?” http://www.serendipity.li/wot/911_a_hoax.htm
“Attacking President Obama for indicting alleged terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in civilian court, Dick Morris asserted that "the reason 9-11 happened is that Bill Clinton treated the '93 bombing of the Trade Center as a crime, not as an act of war."” https://www.mediamatters.org/research/2010/01/05/morris-claimed-9-11-happened-because-clinton-tr/158651
With the end of the Second World War and the beginning of de-colonialization, the Muslim Brotherhood was very hopeful that Western influence would wane, and that they would take power, and lead Islamic nations to a new golden age.” https://www.quora.com/Why-did-the-attacks-on-9-11-happen
51. Where did the photos of all 19 hijackers come from?
52. How were all hijackers identified just 2 days after the attack?
53. Why did all 19 names not appear on the passenger list 2 days after the hijacker list was released? http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/911q.html
9/10 - “1. Rumsfeld Announces 2.3 Trillion Dollars Missing from Pentagon | CBS News (Sept 10th, 2001)
The next morning the Pentagon is hit in the exact location where budget analysts were trying to track down the missing money, killing analysts and destroying records.” http://911blogger.com/news/2014-09-08/day-911-suspicious-events-sept-10-2001

 “Rubio said at the Republican debate that “the World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton didn’t kill Osama bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him,” according to The Washington Post.” http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/rubio-clarifies-911-comment
“That morning’s “presidential daily brief” — the top-secret document prepared by America’s intelligence agencies — featured the now-infamous heading: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” A few weeks later, on 9/11, Al Qaeda accomplished that goal.” http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/11/opinion/the-bush-white-house-was-deaf-to-9-11-warnings.html
“The emergency phone number 911 has been around for a very long time. I'm fairly sure the attacks occurred on 9/11 just to add insult to injury.” https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/10831/was-the-date-for-the-9-11-attack-chosen-to-be-the-same-as-the-emergency-number-i
“At the trial of the suspected terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, the prosecution played the audiotape from flight UA 93's black box. It is a dramatic recording, but there is no evidence that the plane was shot down.” http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/what-really-happened-the-9-11-fact-file-a-451741.html

“While both sides are simply intent to say 9/11 occurred because there are evil people on the planet who hate us because we love freedom, or because they are crazy religious nutcases, there is no truth to either of these claims.” http://www.moderateindependent.com/v2i4911reality.htm
Throughout his stay in the United States, Atta kept Binalshibh updated on the plot’s progress via e-mail. To cloak his activities, Atta wrote the messages as if he were writing to his girlfriend “Jenny,” using innocuous code to inform Binalshibh that they were almost complete in their training and readiness for the attacks.” https://www.britannica.com/event/September-11-attacks

“Flight 93” debris was spread out over many miles. Cheney admits to giving the order to shootdown 93. “shot down the plane over Pennsylvania” Rumsfeld, “nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there” ‘Chris Konicki. “Not a drop of blood” Coroner Wallace Miller. “there was no plane.” Mayor Ernie Stull.” http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/01/18/24-hard-facts-about-911-that-cannot-be-debunked/

“Further, critics contend if the passenger lists were suspect then so were the planes, calling the 9/11 jetliners 'phantom flights,' paving the way for military drones to be used to attack the WTC and Pentagon.”  http://rense.com/general69/strange.htm

By responding in the reactionary knee-jerk way media-driven cultures generally do, Americans dramatically increased the number of fatal car accidents in the year following 9/11. How much? How about an estimated 1,595 extra deaths, almost half the number of people who died in the 9/11 attacks themselves, due to all of the extra driving people did in a year when air travel dropped 20 percent.” http://www.cracked.com/article_20009_7-bizarre-ways-you-didnt-know-911-changed-world.html
“Under the new law, for the first time since the inception of the modern legal framework governing surveillance, the government can intercept Americans’ international communications without a warrant as long as one party to the communication is “reasonably believed” to be outside the US.” http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/09/law-changes-from-9-11/ 
“I want to know WHO is raising this generation of kids that can’t handle even the softest expressions in life? Southern Methodist University has stated that the annual 9/11 memorial of placing 3000 flags on their campus’ Dallas Hall lawn must be moved because it could be “triggering to students.”” https://politicalcowboy.com/lets-forget-911-happened/
“A journalist who said Bush was “flying around the country like a scared child, seeking refuge in his mother’s bed after having a nightmare” and another who said Bush “skedaddled” were fired.” http://www.historycommons.org/essay.jsp?article=essayaninterestingday
“The world is, however, a different place. So the question is: which of the many changes are genuine consequences of 9/11? One way of answering might be to ask what the world would be like if 9/11 had not happened.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/sep/09/9-11-changed-world-forever
“The only information that was to be included in the official report had to match the official story. If any one member of the committee objected to any testimony or finding, that piece of information was to be left out of the report For some examples of this you can talk to the thousands of people who became 9/11 truthers as a result of their testimony being omitted from and contradicted by the final report.” http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29021.htm
““There was a before 9/11, and there was an after 9/11. … After 9/11 the gloves come off.” The article also describes the practice of “extraordinary rendition” in which terrorism suspects are handed over to foreign intelligence services where they have no access to the legal process.” https://www.investigatingpower.org/timelines/9-11/
“U.S. drone attacks have outraged many worldwide, as have detention practices from Afghanistan and Iraq to Guantanamo. The defenders of these practices say extraordinary measures have been necessary to keep a targeted United States safe.” http://www.newsday.com/opinion/oped/10-changes-in-the-world-since-9-11-david-beard-1.6047081
“On the night of 11 September, with al-Qaeda widely believed to have conducted the attacks, President George W Bush described the events of that day as "evil, despicable acts of terror" and said the US was "at war with a new and different kind of enemy".” http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/events/the_september_11th_terrorist_attacks

“Songs were banned, albums rejiggered and tours postponed, but musicians also banded together, writing inspirational songs and raising over $170 million in the weeks after the terrorist attacks.” http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/911-anniversary-how-music-industry-233863
“Some sectors, however, prospered as a result of the attacks. Certain technology companies, as well as defense and weaponry contractors, saw prices for their shares increase substantially, anticipating a boost in government business as the country prepared for the long war on terror. Stock prices also spiked upward for communications and pharmaceutical firms.” http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0911/how-september-11-affected-the-u.s.-stock-market.aspx#ixzz4sNS5NnTu
“We were not naive before 9/11. But there is less belief now, less magic. The once-flimsy barrier between players and fans has hardened. Athletes are on occasion required to carry ID cards to board their own team buses, and many hire their own security details. Every fan is a potential threat. Every athlete is a potential fraud.” http://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/6937733/sports-sept-11-2001-espn-magazine

“An influential study by the global-research firm Rand, for example, shows that nearly every terrorist group in the past 50 years has largely been defeated without facing large-scale military action. See related story on whether the U.S. has won the war on terror.http://www.marketwatch.com/story/911-aftermath-costs-still-permeate-us-economy-2011-09-10

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