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marți, 27 martie 2018


“Fost presedinte Facebook: Am creat site-ul pentru a exploata vulnerabilitatea umana. Dumnezeu stie cum ne afecteaza copiii.” http://www.ziare.com/facebook/utilizatori/fost-presedinte-facebook-am-creat-site-ul-pentru-a-exploata-vulnerabilitatea-umana-dumnezeu-stie-cum-ne-afecteaza-copiii-1488812

„Comportamentele voastre, nu realizaţi, dar sunteţi programaţi prin facebook”, spune el.” http://www.corectnews.com/business/nc-un-fost-executiv-facebook-atac-grav-compania-am-creat-un-instrument-care-f-r-m-umanitate

“Rumors are swirling that Facebook is using mind control techniques to control the lives of users.   Is FB planning a world takeover?” http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/44435/facebook-mind-control/

Zvonul a fost lansat de publicatia Business Insider si face referire la faptul ca unul dintre investitorii in site-ul de socializare Facebook ar avea legatura cu CIA. Mai mult, articolul noteaza si faptul ca Mark Zuckerberg ar fi agent CIA.” https://www.efemeride.ro/facebook-a-fost-creat-la-cererea-cia-mark-zuckerberg-agent-secret

It has published details of a vast experiment in which it manipulated information posted on 689,000 users' home pages and found it could make people feel more positive or negative through a process of "emotional contagion".” https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/jun/29/facebook-users-emotions-news-feeds

Apoi, se pune problema comercializarii excesive a site-ului: Facebook castiga bani din publicitate iar, la ora actuala, aproape nici o alta companie online nu este capabila sa ofere cumparatorilor de spatiu publicitar mai multe informatii despre cei care vor vedea reclamele.” https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-it-8892593-incep-bata-clopotele-pentru-facebook-isi-sterg-conturile-utilizatorii-din-lumea-buna.htm

Google and Facebook are watching our every move online. It's time to make them stop https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/31/google-facebook-data-privacy-concerns-out-of-control-commentary.html

"For one week in 2012, hundreds of thousands of Facebook users were unknowingly subjected to an experiment in which their news feed was altered to see whether certain kinds of content made users happy or sad," http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-facebook-news-feed-manipulation-boycott-20140701-story.html

“[…]he declared in 2010 the age of privcy is over. He also said sharing information with “people,” and, obviously, the state, with its ubiquitous surveillance and control grid, and large corporations is now a “social norm.” https://www.infowars.com/facebook-moves-to-create-virtual-reality-world-of-social-control/

ELOGIU - “Te-ai gandi ca are un palat, se lafaie in puf si poate a uitat de unde a plecat. Nu e cazul lui Mark Zuckerberg, care are tot ce poate sa isi doreasca in viata, dar a ramas modest.” https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/international/a-creat-facebook-milionar-la-26-de-ani-sta-cu-chirie-si-doneaza-bani.html

Lecții de viață - “Din fericire, exista trucuri cu ajutorul cărora poţi spione pe oricine doreşti. Astfel, dacă vrei să ştii tot ce mişcă pe Facebook cineva, dar fără să ştie, acum e mai simplu ca niciodată.” https://a1.ro/news/inedit/vrei-sa-afli-tot-ce-face-o-persoana-pe-facebook-acum-e-posibil-asa-poti-spiona-pe-cineva-pe-celebra-pagina-de-socializare-id493537.html

Mai bine: “Download and install one of the many software programs that block access to Facebook and other Internet time-wasters on your computer.”https://www.lifewire.com/beat-facebook-addiction-2654370

Cine nu e pe Facebook, există!

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